We extend a warm welcome to Beate Hilker from Germany. She starts her volunteer work in September by distributing Parkinsong CDs near Berlin with German postage of 1,55 € per CD instead of 6,90 € (5,50 € Economy) when posting from Austria to Germany and Switzerland.
That’s a huge saving for buyers on shipping cost to and from Germany and will hopefully boost donations of 15 € for our beautiful CD. Beate’s labour of love is much appreciated. Volunteers in other countries are also more than welcome to join our network.
I have signed up with SoundCloud and Bandcamp (mp3, AIFF formats and more) as well, two other popular music services for “audiophiles and nerds.” Now I believe that we have covered pretty much the entire planet.
Your €15.00 make €15.00 when you buy the CD direct, say at a concert, from one of us; or you have bought it online at our Webshop and paid for shipping. If you went to a record store and paid €15.00, both the store and the retailer would have kept a percentage. This means only between €4.00 and €6.00 came through. ATS-Records and Amazon give us more, between €7.00 and €10.00.
Digital Album (Audio Files)
Without a physical body, music costs less, say around €9.00 per album, or €1.00 per individual track, and the music services keep between 10 – 50%.
Account in trust
Credit card sales from this website arrive at Parkinsong’s PayPal business account and €15.00 for each CD (as you paid for shipping) will be transferred into the bank account of Parkinsonline. Sales and commission from ATS-Records as well as their partners will be credited directly into the bank account of Parkinsonline. Cash goes also straight into the bank account of Parkinsonline, where your donations are being held in trust.